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Official Singles Sales Chart on 28/7/2023

28 July 2023 - 3 August 2023

Compiled by the Official Charts Company, the UK's biggest selling singles of the week, based on sales of downloads, CDs, vinyl and other formats, across a seven day period.

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Glad to see Sinaed at the top here. And so pleased to see S Club back, they were my childhood. Feeling very nostalgic on this weeks proper chart




it hasn’t been the “proper chart” since 2014. the only chart that’s “proper” is the one that accumulates streaming along with sales, which is an absolutely accurate representation of what the gp like. just because dave (a good artist unlike that idiot at number 9 here) isn’t faring well here doesn’t mean a chart that makes up <5% of chart data is “proper”

you had NINE YEARS to adjust. it’s never gonna change. get used to it