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Official Compilations Chart on 10/11/2023

10 November 2023 - 16 November 2023

The Official Compilations Chart is compiled by the Official Charts Company and based on UK sales of digital bundles, CDs, vinyl and other formats, across a seven day period.

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Ref "The data displayed for this chart goes back to 1994, however we hope to be able to offer deeper historic information at a future point"

The compilation charts only started from 1994, prior to that compilation albums were included in the album charts, so no idea what extra information you are going to invent.

Getting the current charts correct would be a much better idea.




All the WOC numbers are wrong... even though the expanded entries show the correct number.

1) Did you even know this

2) Any plans to actually fix it?

3) Ask a 10 year old - they should be able to amend the 2 lines of code