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Official Singles Chart Update on 3/9/2018

3 September 2018 - 9 September 2018

The UK's midweek Top 100 biggest songs, based on audio and video streams, downloads, CDs, vinyl, cassette and more. Compiled by the Official Charts Company from Friday to Sunday.

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Kasper Elbjørn


It's just plain stupid that every time there's a new record out there's three new "singles" on the chart. I know it must be difficult to find the right streams-to-sales ratio balance but you have to put more emphasis on real singles than today




'Promises' will probably stay at the top for at least 10 weeks.




I love seeing 'Promises' heading for #1. I also like the big gains for 'Thunderclouds' & especially 'Lost Without You'! :)




yeh and baby shark haha sub to the officialcharts on reddit to join the discussion if you want




With the massive lead that 'Kamikaze' has at the moment, it pretty much eliminates any chance of him losing his streak, at least with this album. I'll admit that I did think 'Kamikaze' would end up on top, but I had no idea that he'd have such a huge lead! At the moment 'Kamikaze' has moved 27.6k equivalent units without even having a physical release, while 'Joy As An Act Of Resistance' has sold 7.44k, 'Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again' has sold 7.36k and 'The Greatest Showman' has sold 6.7k.
I think that 'The Ringer' and 'Lucky You' will stay in the Top 10 come Friday, but 'Greatest' will probably fall to the #11 - #15 range. I also think that 'Promises' will stay at #1 come Friday, though there is less than 3k sales between it and 'Eastside' at the moment (23k vs 20.3k) so it could be close.




Yeah, breaking the tie of most consecutive #1 albums with Led Zeppelin & ABBA would be massive for him! Unlike recent previous updates, as you mentioned, the lead for Eminem is massive right now! The chart impact & numbers it'll have over 'Revival' is huge, although his promotion hasn't been very good recently, so there might not be a #1 single from this album.
I'd say 'Promises' would just about get it, but 'Eastside' overtook on the final day for last week's tracking, so you never know.