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Official Singles Chart Update on 24/6/2015

24 June 2015 - 30 June 2015

The UK's midweek Top 100 biggest songs, based on audio and video streams, downloads, CDs, vinyl, cassette and more. Compiled by the Official Charts Company from Friday to Sunday.

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Hernán Fernández


What about Duran Duran`s "Pressure off" ?


Stuart Griffin


Where the is Alesha Dixon? She's been in the iTunes top 40 all week, she surely must be somewhere in the charts? Unless there is some baffling breaking of the Official Charts rules (ala Eminem, Gaga in the past) where the song can't be counted, even though people are buying it.


Official Charts


Hi Stuart, Alesha posted something about it online a few days ago. Full statement here: https://twitter.com/aleshaofficial/status/613807456339296257


Stuart Griffin


I still don't understand how the official charts can be opted out of? Doesn't it make a mockery of the system if artists can choose to opt out? Surely the point of the Official Charts is to provide a chart of the 100 most purchased (and now viewed) songs in the UK. If all artists for some reason decide to opt out, what would the charts be?