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Official Singles Chart on 25/8/1985

25 August 1985 - 31 August 1985

The Official UK Singles Chart reflects the UK’s biggest songs of the week, based on audio and video streams, downloads, CDs and vinyl, compiled by the Official Charts Company. The UK Top 40 is broadcast on BBC Radio 1 and MTV, the Top 100 is published exclusively on OfficialCharts.com. View the biggest songs of 2024 so far.


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Andrew Green


#22 - label and sleeve of TWINS 9 lists the title as 'Don't Mess with Doctor Dream'


Institute for Music Research


No 22. The label of Arista TWINS 9 shows the artist is 'Thompson Twins'.

No 49. The label of Chrysalis HUEY 1 shows the b-side is 'Bad Is Bad'. It was not chart-listed. 'Do You Believe In Love' is the double a-side of Chrysalis HUEY 3, released in January 1986. The a-side of HUEY 1 and HUEY 3 is 'The Power of Love'.