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Official Singles Chart on 15/4/1979

15 April 1979 - 21 April 1979

The Official UK Singles Chart reflects the UK’s biggest songs of the week, based on audio and video streams, downloads, CDs and vinyl, compiled by the Official Charts Company. The UK Top 40 is broadcast on BBC Radio 1 and MTV, the Top 100 is published exclusively on OfficialCharts.com. View the biggest songs of 2024 so far.


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Institute for Music Research


No 56. The label of A&M AMS 7431 shows the title is 'Banana Splits (The Tra La La Song)'.

No 73. The label of Carrere CAR 104 show the artist is 'The Monks'.


Neil Morgenstern


There appears to be a mix of representation and also title with the Monks song, sometimes "the face" rather than "her face" and sometimes credited simply to Monks who were Hudson-Ford. The song is on Spotify as "Nice Legs Shame About The Face" by "The Monks" on their album "Bad Habits"