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Official Albums Chart on 3/6/1979

3 June 1979 - 9 June 1979

The UK's Top 100 biggest artist albums of the week, compiled by the Official Charts Company based on sales of CDs, downloads, vinyl, audio streams and video streams. View the biggest albums of 2024.

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Adam Rosser


There is an error with the entry of Ronco's Rock Legends. Not only was the full title 20 Rock Legends, the chart dates in 1986 should refer to Rock Legends (STAR 2290) from Telstar. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e09f4cd87afc45a52ebcd342a14aefdb92b71929470475cd66c9360e3d7e75b7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1c25b11a336e7c7fa416daf23217694056023803f559ccf1f22bf9cdf52a72ab.jpg